MGMT 4670
Final Examination Review
1) Discuss the country differences in accounting standards.
2) What are the benefits and drawbacks of exporting? How
might a firm improve export performance, and what are the various types
of export assistance available?
3) Explain in detail the nature of:
A Draft
b) A Bill of
c) A Letter
of Credit
Describe the purpose of each, the
protections offered, the perceived drawbacks and under which conditions each
might be employed.
4) Specifically describe the various forms of countertrade. What
are the pros and cons of countertrade?
5) Describe the various factors and conditions that might favor either concentrated or decentralized manufacturing.
6) What is a “make-or-buy” decision? Give at least seven good
arguments to support each side.
7) Theodore Levitt has argued that consumer tastes and preferences
are becoming globalized. Use the concepts of market segmentation, product
attributes and country differences to both support and attack his contention.
8) Incorporate the concepts of product type, consumer sophistication,
channel length and media availability to support choosing either a push or
pull marketing strategy. Be specific and make sure that you define
your terms thoroughly. How do the above argue either for, or against,
standardized advertising?
9) What is price discrimination? What are the types of
strategic pricing described in the text, and what is the influence of
individual country regulations?
10) Explain the three staffing policies described in the text.
Which is most appropriate to each of the four multi-country strategies, and
what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
11) What are some of the problems that fuel high American expatriate
manager failure rates? How do American failure rates relate to others?
What are the four dimensions the text suggests for successful selection of
managers, and what are the areas that should be covered in the training of
those managers?
12) What are consolidated financial statements? Describe in detail
the difference between the current rate and the temporal methods of translation.
13) Describe in detail the Lessard-Lorange Model.
14) Describe the following:
Dividend Remittances
b) Royalty
Payments and Fees
c) Transfer
d) Fronting
How does each help to attain efficiencies
and reduce taxes?
15) What is the difference
between accounting standards and auditing standards? What is the
impact of national differences in these standards to international
16) Discuss multinational consolidation and currency
translation. What are the typical translation methods, when is
each used, and what is the current U.S. practice?
17) What are the goals of money management? How do
centralized depositories and multilateral netting serve those goals?
18) Financial management in international business can be
categorized into three different types of decisions. Discuss each
in detail.
19) What are the vaious barriers to an international
communication, or promotional, strategy? What are the arguments
for and against standardized advertising, and how should a firm deal
with country differences?