Add to E-Mail for Management 4650, Section 03

If you have an integrated e-mail account through your own ISP:
  • Make sure you are dialing in from your main e-mail account
  • Do not alter the subject line  (it should include the EXACT phrase:  "AddMGMT4650-03")
  • In the text of the message enter your name and student identification number
  • When your e-mail is received you will be sent a confirmation that your name has been added
  • Click on the button below to begin

Add to E-Mail

If you are using a Web-based e-mail account (e.g. HotMail, Yahoo, etc.):
  • Make sure you are signed in to your e-mail program
  • Address your e-mail to:
  • For the subject enter the EXACT phrase:  "AddMGMT4650-03"
  • In the text of the message enter your name and student identification number
  • When your e-mail is received you will be sent a confirmation that your name has been added